Exhibition Launch

SOFT UK are proud to launch our exhibition centered around the parent voice and complexities of communicating with health care professionals.

The exhibition has been created to coincide with our most recent webinar with Making Families Count. The purpose of the webinar was to shed a light on the complexities of dealing with families of children with complex needs and hearing the parent voice.

In the exhibition you will find some of the extended videos shot for this webinar, but also additional videos related to the topic.

You can find the exhibition here: www.soft.org.uk/exhibition

The Department of Health UK Strategy for Rare Diseases (DHSSPS 2020) estimates that rare diseases, affect the lives of over 3 million people in the UK. Of these a significant proportion are children. The parents of many of these children talk of the challenges of parenting a child with complex needs and the sometimes-stressful interactions with healthcare professionals.


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